Main Club Sponsor - Roach BrosMain Club & Mini Junior Sponsor - Cranswick Plc


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200 Club 4 of 9

4. Winners July 2022 - June 2023

The Hull Ionians 200 Club members donate £10 per month for their number. £5 goes to Hull Ionians and £5 is paid out in prize money.
The more members there are, the more prize money will be paid out and more funds raised for your club.

To join the 200 club please contact either Mal or Sue Tempest - or by text on 07831 597171
June 2023

£350…..106……Katherine Conquest
£120……53…….John Zgoda
£85….….57……..Michael Oughtred

May 2023[/bJ

£350 69…Tony Walker
£120…79…Pauline Makin
£85 ..63…Keith Gregersen

[b]April 2023[b]
£350 49 Arnie Knaggs
£120 58 Bryan Tomlinson
£85 85 Adrian Fowler

[b]March 2023
£350 - 8 - Pat Wilson
£120 - 11 - Mike Conquest
£85 - 118 - Gaius Powell

February 2023
£350 Geg Oxley - 80
£120 Mary Gregerson - 76
£85 CiciTaylor - 46

January 2023
£350 Joanne Sanderson - 103
£120 Geg Oxley - 81
£85 Cici Taylor - 29

December 2022
£350 Chris Taylor No. 28
£120 David Hewitt No. 30
£85 Trevor Stephenson No. 10

November 2022
£350 Cici Taylor No. 46
£120 Mal Tempest No. 93
£85 Pat Wilson No. 7

September 2022
£350 Heather Barraclough No. 40 - Heather has kindly donated her £350 prize to Hull Ionians.
£120 Adrian Fowler No. 105 - Adrian has kindly donated his £120 prize to Hull Ionians
£85 Pat Wilson No. 8

August 2022
£350 Sir Chris O'Donnell No. 51
£120 Ian Parsons No. 72
£85 Katie Bayram No.74

July 2022
£350 Bill Burnett No. 107
£120 James Windeatt No. 115
£85 Roger Elliot No. 41